Class IndexerEndpoint<TElementEndpoint>

Endpoint that addresses child TElementEndpoints by ID.

Type Parameters

  • TElementEndpoint extends Endpoint

    The type of Endpoint to provide for individual elements.



  • Creates a new indexer endpoint.

    Type Parameters

    • TElementEndpoint extends Endpoint<TElementEndpoint>


    • referrer: Endpoint

      The endpoint used to navigate to this one.

    • relativeUri: string | URL

      The URI of this endpoint relative to the referrer's. Add a ./ prefix here to imply a trailing slash in the referrer's URI.

    • elementEndpoint: (new (referrer: Endpoint, uri: URL) => TElementEndpoint)

      A factory method for creating instances of TElementEndpoint.

        • new (referrer: Endpoint, uri: URL): TElementEndpoint
        • Parameters

          Returns TElementEndpoint

    Returns IndexerEndpoint<TElementEndpoint>


errorHandler: ErrorHandler

Handles errors in responses.

httpClient: HttpClient

The HTTP client used to communicate with the remote resource.

linkExtractor: LinkExtractor

Extracts links from responses.

serializer: Serializer

Controls the serialization of entities sent to and received from the server.

uri: URL

The HTTP URI of the remote resource.


  • Returns a TElementEndpoint for a specific child element.


    • id: string

      The ID identifying the entity.

    Returns TElementEndpoint

  • Retrieves a link template with a specific relation type. Uses cached data from last response. Prefer linkTemplate when possible.


    NotFoundError: No link template with the specified rel could be found.


    • rel: string

      The relation type of the link template to look for.

    Returns string

  • Resolves all links with a specific relation type. Uses cached data from last response.


    • rel: string

      The relation type of the links to look for.

    Returns {
        title?: string;
        uri: URL;

  • Handles various cross-cutting concerns regarding a response message such as discovering links and handling errors.




    • response: Response

      The response to process.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Shows whether the server has indicated that a specific HTTP method is currently allowed. Uses cached data from last response.


    true if the method is allowed, false if the method is not allowed, undefined if no request has been sent yet or the server did not specify allowed methods.


    • method: HttpMethod

      The HTTP methods (e.g. GET, POST, ...) to check.

    Returns undefined | boolean

  • Resolves a relative URI using this endpoint's URI as the base.


    • relativeUri: string

      The relative URI to resolve. Prepend ./ to imply a trailing slash in the base URI even if it is missing there.

    Returns URL

  • Resolves a single link with a specific relation type. Uses cached data from last response.


    NotFoundError: No link with the specified rel could be found.


    • rel: string

      The relation type of the link to look for.

    Returns URL

  • Resolves a link template with a specific relation type. Uses cached data from last response.


    NotFoundError: No link template with the specified rel could be found.


    • rel: string

      The relation type of the link template to look for.

    • variables: {
          [key: string]: any;

      Variables for resolving the template.

      • [key: string]: any

    Returns URL

  • Sends an HTTP request to this endpoint's URI. Handles various cross-cutting concerns regarding a response message such as discovering links and handling errors.




    • method: HttpMethod

      The HTTP method to use.

    • Optional signal: AbortSignal

      Used to cancel the request.

    • Optional headers: HeadersInit

      The HTTP headers to set.

    • Optional body: BodyInit

      The body to send.

    Returns Promise<Response>

  • Registers one or more default links for a specific relation type. These links are used when no links with this relation type are provided by the server. This should only be called during initial setup of the endpoint.


    • rel: string

      The relation type of the link to add.

    • Optional href: string

      The href of the link relative to this endpoint's URI. Leave unspecified to remove any previous entries for the relation type.

    Returns void

  • Registers a default link template for a specific relation type. This template is used when no template with this relation type is provided by the server. This should only be called during initial setup of the endpoint.


    • rel: string

      The relation type of the link to add.

    • Optional href: string

      The templates href relative to this endpoint's URI. Leave unspecified to remove any previous entries for the relation type.

    Returns void

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